The act of Twisting
is more than a dance move. And more than just a yoga asana, ((although it
is an essential part of the yoga curriculum). Twisting is physical movement which done deliberately and
intentionally can change the way everything works in your body--from your outer
to your inner geography. Twisting strengthens
those oblique muscles on the side body, exercises
the upper back and the waist, and even helps to detoxify your liver, according
to the Yoga Institute. The action of twisting helps to
create inter-vertebral space thus lengthening the spine. This decompresses the
vertebral space, and protects spinal nerves. The flow of energy is also improved
in a gentle non-evasive way leaving you feeling newly rebooted. Twisting actions stimulate blood circulation and release tension in
abdominal muscles, allowing the digestive organs to experience a fresh blood
flow rich in oxygen and nutrients. Twisting
can help you de-stress. opening up the shoulders, chest and back to boost
oxygen and decrease anxiousness. You can do a twist while lying in bed, sitting upright in a
chair or cross-legged on a yoga mat or even standing. Twists --however
and wherever youo them and that’s
anywhere from the breakfast table in the morning to your desk at noon or your bed
at night-- can affect the upper, middle
and lower back helping to improve the
spinal cord’s range of motion (including the neck) by engaging the supportive soft tissue surrounding the spinal
cord. Everything old feels new again.
best or all, twists can profoundly affect at-risk backs that slouch at a desk or
in a car or train/plane for long stretches, a situation that not only weakens
the integrity of the spine, (the center of our being), but ultimately affects what
happens in our head space, as well. Think of headaches, fatigue and gloomy moods
often following prolonged periods in one position.
Do the Twist!