Is your good diet wanting? It is if you're tossing back a few pharmaceuticals with your morning joe and Downward Facing Dog. .So what’s the
take-away about putting back? At a minimum, you need at a respectable multivitamin --preferably one formulated for your sex and age that carries the USP (United
States Pharmacopeia) crest. Plus some additional
ascorbic acid (vitamin C), preferably in the optimally absorbed Ester-C form which will help keep your immune system humming along. One or two grams daily taken in spaced
doses couldn’t hurt (and if you don’t need it, it’s water soluble and will
simply be voided). A bone-support supplement that contains calcium, vitamin D,
and perhaps helper- bone health trace minerals such as boron, silica and vitamin are good add-ons for women. Wash it all
down with a cup of green tea and you’re good to flow! Go to www.invitehealth/drug-induced-nutrient-depletion.html for more details.